Duck Shoyu Home Kit From Ramen Tayosei

ramen tayosei duck shoyu kit ingredients
Ramen Tayosei Duck Shoyu home kit ingredients individually packaged per serving. You may notice I got the hook up with extra menma on the right side. This menma is legit.
ramen tayosei duck shoyu noodles
handmade tayosei noodles

Cooking instructions for one portion;

  • Grab a medium-large pot and bring 8 cups of water to a raging boil. This will be for your noodles.
  • Grab a smaller pot and pour the soup into into it over medium-low heat to slowly warm it up. Be sure not to bring to boil, but slight simmer.
  • Remove the duck chashu and gently warm in a pan. You want it medium rare. Cooked any more it will become tough.
  • Once the water for noodles is boiling, place one serving in the water for 1 minute and 15 seconds. Frequently stirring the noodles.
  • Gently toss the noodles in the soup to thoroughly coat them in the soup.
  • Arrange toppings and don’t forget to slurp.
ramen tayosei duck shoyu
ramen tayosei duck shoyu
ramen tayosei duck shoyu
ramen tayosei duck shoyu

If you interested in staying in the know on when these home ramen kits are available, make sure you follow Ramen Tayosei on Instagram.