Tonkotsu Ramen From Yamachan Ramen

Want to make great pork ramen at home? Try the Yamachan Ramen kits. Each kit gives you two main things: noodles and a tasty pork broth starter.

Here’s how to make your ramen:

  1. Cooking the Noodles: Fill a pot with water and bring it to a boil. Add the noodles from the kit. Cook them until they’re just right – not too soft and not too hard.
  2. Making the Broth: In another pot, heat up some water. When it’s hot, mix it with the pork broth concentrate from the kit. This will make a rich and flavorful soup.
  3. Bringing it Together: Drain the cooked noodles and put them in a bowl. Pour the hot broth over them.

Now, the fun part! While the kit gives you the basics, you can add some extras to make it even better. Think about adding slices of homemade chashu – it’s pork that’s been cooked slowly until it’s really tender. A soft boiled egg is another great addition; it’s rich and creamy. And, for a bit of fresh taste and color, sprinkle some sliced green onions on top.

The kit doesn’t come with these toppings, so you’ll need to get them yourself. But trust me, it’s worth it.

With Yamachan Ramen and your own toppings, you’ll have a bowl that’s way better than quick instant ones like Cup Noodles or Top Ramen.

Instant Ramen
Tonkotsu Ramen is a tasty and easy option for those of us that are locked up at home.
Instant ramen ingredients and calories
Ingredients and calorie information to cook up a tasty bowl of noodles at home.
inside instant ramen kit
This package comes with frozen noodles and concentrate. Add hot water to the concentrate and boil the noodles.
instant ramen concentrate
The concentrate prior to adding hot water.
tonkotsu instant ramen with homemade toppings
A great way to take this package to the next level is to prepare some toppings in advance. Chashu and egg. Freshly chopped green onions.
Top view of instant tonkotsu ramen
Doesn’t this look legit?

Check out the ramen kits category to see what other instant ramen options would be of interest to you.