Tokyo Shoyu From Yamachan Ramen

Yamachan Ramen kits unveil the refined essence of Tokyo Shoyu, a blend that carries a satisfyingly balanced soy sauce flavor. This kit empowers you to create authentic pork-based ramen in the sanctuary of your own kitchen. Within each package lies the heart of the dish: noodles and a deeply aromatic pork broth starter that reverberates with flavor.

To capture the essence of that perfect Yamachan Ramen experience:

  1. Begin by boiling a pot of water for the noodles.
  2. Concurrently, in a separate vessel, ready some water for the pork broth concentrate.
  3. Combine this heated water with the Yamachan Ramen broth concentrate, letting the Tokyo Shoyu flavor bloom.
  4. When the noodles have been tenderly cooked, immerse them in this flavorful broth.

For the traditional Tokyo Shoyu touch, top your creation with tender slices of homemade chashu and a whisper of seaweed. While the kit provides the backbone with its broth and noodles, remember it doesn’t supply the chashu or seaweed, so those are for you to source.

With a touch of prep and a flair for presentation, you’re diving into a bowl of ramen that elevates beyond the likes of instant contenders such as Cup Noodles or Top Ramen.

Tokyo Shoyu Instant Ramen from Yamachan Ramen
Tokyo Shoyu Packaging Yamachan Ramen
Tokyo Shoyu Instant Ramen from Yamachan Ramen
Tokyo Shoyu ingredients and instructions
Tokyo Shoyu Instant Ramen from Yamachan Ramen
Tokyo Shoyu concentrate
Tokyo Shoyu Instant Ramen from Yamachan Ramen
Add hot water to the broth concentrate
mixing instant ramen concentrate and hot water
Mix well with a whisk.
Home cooking instant noodles
Cook the noodles for 1 minute. They are thin and will cook quickly.
Instant noodles
Pro tip, add a little cracked black pepper to this bowl and your own home toppings.
Up close on the instant noodles
A closer look at the Tokyo Shoyu.
Tokyo Shoyu Instant Ramen from Yamachan Ramen
Thin noodles are served with this ramen kit.

If you are interested in seeing other ramen kit options, check out the ramen kits category.